September 10, 2018 Hello Kids



















OECDが調査した“Starting Strong 2017”レポートによると、中国やフランスでは先生一人当たり20名以上の子供たちを受け持つことが認められている一方、オーストラリアでは法律で10名以下に制限されています。

またこの調査によると、幼児期の教育や保育は子供たちの認知能力や社会情緒的な能力の発達に大きく寄与していると述べられています。そしてこれらは世代を越えて引き継がれていくSocial Mobility(親の職業や収入が、子供の教育や将来の職業、収入等の社会的地位などにどれだけ影響を及ぼすかという指標)の向上や生涯に渡る学力の基礎を形成するのにも大変効果的であることが判明しています。



特にオーストラリアの保育園では、政府が定めるNational Quality Frameworkに準拠して、高水準のサービスを維持することが義務付けられています。


それは、オーストラリアの保育園では子供たちが熟練した先生やスタッフによって、よりパーソナルでクオリティの高いサービスを受けられることに繋がっているということです。そして、National Quality Standardsによって厳格に管理され、教育分野のエキスパートが作成した保育プログラムを体験することができるのです。



世界でも有数の高水準な教育システムを持つオーストラリアには、トップレベルの大学が35校も存在しており、"World University Rankings 2018."によれば、その内の8つがトップ100に君臨しています。


Global Wealth Reportによる調査では、一世帯当たりの裕福度はオーストラリアはスイスに次いで世界で2番目にランクしており、生活コストや授業料についてもイギリスやアメリカなど他の英語圏の国と比較して大幅に低いことで知られています。






エジンバラ大学の教授で心理学や哲学、言語科学の研究を行っているDr. Thomas Bakによる研究結果では、バイリンガルと呼ばれる二言語を習得した成人において、一言語のみを話す成人よりも認知テストの結果に優位な結果が見られ、高い集中力を発揮できる傾向にあることが分かっています。









  • 87%の留学経験者が「オーストラリアでの体験全般」について”非常に満足している”、または”満足している”と回答。

  • 86%の留学経験者が「オーストラリアでの学習」について”非常に満足している”、または”満足している”と回答。

  • 88%の留学経験者が「オーストラリアでの生活」について”非常に満足している”、または”満足している”と回答。
  • グローバルスカイエデュケーションが提供しているHelloKidsをご利用頂くことで、親御様ご自身にも多忙な日常を抜けて、オーストラリア各地の観光や英語学習、ボランティア活動やその他のアクティビティなど、自分の時間をリラックスしてご満喫頂くための機会を得ることができます。




    September 10, 2018 Hello Kids

    5 Reasons To Send Your Child To Study In Australia


    Australia is the ‘Lucky Country,’ home to wide, open spaces, the outback, cute kangaroos and koalas and clean air and water. Yet it also has a world-class, English-language education system that is attracting international children of all ages to study, from kindergarten to preschool age and older.

    Here are,

    "five reasons to send your child ‘Down Under’ for an educational experience of a lifetime"

    International Experience

    Clean air? Tick. Blue skies? Tick. Open spaces? Tick.

    From cute animals to magnificent natural scenery such as the Great Barrier Reef and the Outback, with world-class monuments such as the Sydney Opera House, Australia offers a unique international experience.

    Australia’s multicultural population of 25 million is spread across the world’s sixth largest country, around 20 times larger than the size of Japan. And thanks to thriving services, agricultural and mining industries, the friendly, laid-back locals enjoy one of the world’s highest standards of living too.

    International cities such as Sydney and Melbourne are also highly regarded for their quality of life, their diverse bars and restaurants and cultural attractions such as acclaimed art galleries, museums and musical performances.

    For both childrenstudents and their parents, Australia has five of the best 30 cities in the world based on student mix, affordability and, quality of life and employer activity.

    Fortunately too, Australia’s east coast has only a one or two-hour time difference with East Asia, making communicating back home much easier than other more distant destinations such as Europe or North America.

    Global Recognition

    On a per-child basis, Australia ranks fourth-highest among OECD countries in public spending on preschool education. This is mainly due to lower child-staff ratios.

    There are fewer than 10 children for every teacher in Australia. In contrast, in countries like China and France there are more than 20 children per teacher, according to the OECD’s “Starting Strong 2017” report.

    The report says that early childhood education and care can improve children’s cognitive abilities and socio-emotional development. This helps create a foundation for lifelong learning and improves the prospects of social mobility from generation to generation.



    Notably, Australia’s kindergartens are required to maintain high standards under the Australian Government’s National Quality Framework.

    What does all this mean for your child?

    It means that your child has a greater likelihood in Australia of receiving personal attention and care from a well-trained teacher. It means kindergarten and preschool programs are prepared by educational experts and governed by national quality standards.

    Importantly, by sending your preschooler or kindergarten age child to Australia, your child has potentially greater prospects for success in life, as well as enjoying learning.

    And when your child gets older, Australia has been recognised Australia is now recognised as the third-most popular destination for international students in the English-speaking world, behind only the United States and Britain.

    Australian academic qualifications are well regarded around the world due to the high quality education system. There are 35 top universities in Australia, with six of them in the top 100, according to the Times Higher Education’s “World University Rankings 2018.”

    Cost of Living

    Australia ranks behind Switzerland as the second-wealthiest in the world, yet living expenses and tuition costs are much lower than in other English-speaking countries such as Britain and the United States.

    For parents living with their younger children in Australia, parental groups and other support networks can help make it easier to settle into your new life Down Under.

    Older international students (aged 15 and up, depending on the state or territory) have the option of working part-time while studying, helping to offset living costs.

    The Australian Government and universities also offer a range of scholarships for older students that can help lower the cost of studying in Australia, with some A$200 million provided by the government each year in international scholarships.

    Brain Benefits

    Learning a foreign language can help the brain, too.

    Researchers found that young adults proficient in two languages performed better in attention tests and had better concentration than those who spoke only one language.



    Bilinguals also have shown “less relative cognitive decline” compared to monolinguals with just one language, according to the research by Dr Thomas Bak of Edinburgh’s School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences.

    For parents, sending your child into a foreign culture to learn a foreign language may seem daunting. But the longer-term benefits could prove extremely valuable, and not just for language skills.

    Kids Love Australia

    A 2012 survey of international students found the international students greatly enjoyed their time in Australia.

    The Australian Government survey’s key findings included:

  • 87% of international students were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their overall experience in Australia
  • 86% of international students were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their study experience in Australia
  • 88% of international students were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with living in Australia.
  • Importantly, Global Sky’s Hello Kids program also offers the opportunity for parents to enjoy their time studying and travelling in Australia, offering a break from the daily routine.

    For an international, quality and affordable educational experience, Australia could be the perfect destination for you and your child. So why not join the millions studying abroad and give your child an educational advantage?